Pledging FAQs

A pledge is your personal commitment to make a financial gift that supports the ministries and mission of the church for the coming year. We believe annual pledging is a statement of thanksgiving and part of a spiritual practice of generosity. By pledging, you rededicate your love and support for UCCB’s mission and all the people who are touched by its ministries and make our community special, including yourself!

Annual pledges support everything we do and are at UCCB – paying clergy and staff, supporting our outreach ministries, fellowship, spiritual nurture, music offerings and providing special services and weekly childcare.  Annual pledges are the financial foundation of our church. The single most important source of funding for our ministries and mission comes from pledges. They represent over 2/3 of the church’s annual income. Other key income sources are rental income and fundraisers like the Merrie Christmas Fair.

Based on the income from pledges and other revenue sources, the congregation creates and votes on an annual budget. You can participate in the process. We create an annual budget that makes the financing of our church operations easy to understand. It shows how your money is used to support the different ministries of our congregation. We believe that it is very important to be transparent in our budget process and all financial matters. You can call the church office to request a copy of the current annual budget.  Here’s a sample spending plan from a few years ago.  We reflected on all of our expenditures in light of our mission statement to Welcome All, Care for the World, and Grow in the Spirit. pledge

You! Everybody is welcome to share in the spirit of generosity at UCC Boxborough. You do not have to be a church member. Some people feel UCCB is their church home without becoming a member, and still love to express their support.

Our community members give for a variety of reasons. Some give because they love our church’s hospitality; others cherish opportunities for spiritual growth, service and care for the world such as mission trips, prayer shawl ministry, women’s retreat, or its role as a welcoming presence in the community.

As a congregation, we view pledging as an important spiritual practice, encouraging us to grow intentionally in faith and generosity in every part of our lives. It is because of annual pledging and other generous support from our parishioners, that our church lives up to its mission.

Rest assured, you are not the only person who wonders if there is a “right amount” to give. At UCCB, every pledge, no matter the size of your gift, is valued! It also helps the church to know your giving plans so we can budget more effectively. We invite you to prayerfully reflect on the money and resources God has entrusted to your care and decide on how much you feel you can give. Members of the Generosity Team are also available to help you reflect on this question; see the pastor for their contact information. We believe that our standard of giving should reflect our standard of living. We ask each parishioner to consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on his or her financial situation. Tithing, the practice of sharing 10% of your income, has long been held as the standard of Christian giving. For most, it is a goal to be reached through incremental increases each year. At UCCB every pledge, no matter what amount, makes a valued contribution to our mission and ministry. If you consider tithing or proportional giving, the following chart may help:
Annual Gross Income 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%
$10,000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200
$20,000 $400 $800 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000 $2,400
$30,000 $600 $1,200 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600
$40,000 $800 $1,600 $2,400 $3,200 $4,000 $4,800
$50,000 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000
$75,000 $1,500 $3,000 $4,500 $6,000 $7,500 $9,000
$100,000 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000
$150,000 $3,000 $6,000 $9,000 $12,000 $15,000 $18,000
$200,000 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $16,000 $20,000 $24,000

A pledge is simply a promise to pay. Actual payments can be made in a lump-sum or through as many installments as you wish throughout the following year. Often, pledges are fulfilled on a weekly or monthly basis. Pledges are to be fulfilled within one calendar-year, beginning January 1.

Some families choose to set up regular direct payments through their bank. You can also give safely online, through our national UCC recommended service provider, VANCO, that accepts direct bank payments and/or credit card payments. This online payment tool can be found here.

Vanco Services charges the church a flat fee per credit card or e-check transaction plus a processing fee per dollar for online transactions. These fees average 3.5% for each donation. It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider choosing the option that allows you to help offset these costs directly through an additional donation. This will help the church to continue providing this convenient online giving service.

Your pledge is a promise to your church and the congregation. However, it is not legally binding. If your circumstances change, you may notify the church office or the Pastor if you need to make an adjustment. If you are blessed with unexpected extra income, you are always welcome to increase your pledge.

Interim Ministers

We are excited to welcome Rev. Dr. Jill Edens and Rev. Richard Edens who will be serving as co-ministers for twelve months during our time of transition, starting April 15, 2024! The Interim Minister Search Team was impressed with Rev. Jill’s and Rev. Richard’s spirituality, experience, and creativity. With many years of experience in both settled and interim ministry, Rev. Jill and Rev. Richard demonstrate a keen understanding of issues facing churches today. They bring a wonderful blend of hope and pragmatism to their interim work. We quickly realized that this duo will bring energy and joy to the tasks ahead, as we prepare for the search for our next minister. Members of churches they have previously served raved about their sermons, open-minded wisdom, and administrative skill. The Edens are inspiring leaders and pastors. They served as Co-Senior Pastors for 38 years at the United Church of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, until their retirement in 2017. They relocated to the greater Boston area to be closer to their daughter, the Rev. Ruth Edens, and her family. Since arriving, they have served together at the Trinitarian Congregational Church of Concord (TriCon), the Wellesley Hills Congregational Church, the First Parish of Westwood, and the Congregational Church of Weston, in Interim capacities. They are both graduates of the Yale Divinity School, with Jill receiving her Doctorate in Ministry from Lancaster Theological Seminary. Regarding her approach to interim ministry, Rev. Jill tells us “I have a deep faith in the wisdom of congregations and their ability to formulate their calling and then identify the resources they will need to be faithful to that call.” Rev. Richard’s ministry encourages the faithful to “Strive for justice, share joy, befriend the lonely. Prepare for laughter, be willing to cry. Love simply, generously, playfully. Choose sparingly, live modestly, dream big. Speak the truth, pray, have fun. See rightly. Proclaim the mad love of God.” Their years of experience in leading a variety of faith communities will be a great benefit as we navigate our upcoming transition.

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Church Admin

Our Church Administrator is Jenn LaCross. She grew up in Greenfield and settled down in Lunenburg after graduating from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She began her career as an Exercise Physiologist working in corporate wellness in Boston and then moved into Pharmaceutical Sales. In 2002 she gave up working to stay at home and raise a family. Her and her husband, Richard have two children, Derek (21) and Bella (18). As the kids got older and more self-sufficient, she jumped back into the workforce here at UCCB in the fall of 2017. Jenn enjoys the opportunity to utilize her bookkeeping skills as well as tap into her creative side producing church communications. She continues loves visiting with and helping the church community. She can be reached at the office at 978.263.7387 or via email at

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Choir Director

Cindy Blanchard is the Sr. Choir Director at UCC. She joined the church and choir in 1997 and has been the choir director for over 10 years. She earned a BA in music at Bowdoin College, a MA in conducting/music at Trenton State and did advanced grad work on trumpet and voice at Juilliard. I have sung since I can remember! Jr. Choir, school groups, college groups and various adult ensembles. Working with the adults in the choir is such a rewarding experience. We are a family! From our Tues. night rehearsals, our Sunday worship service singing, Music Sunday, our annual dinner and Christmas parties-it is a wonderful group of people that I’m so grateful to be able to work with every week. We also provide special guest musicians throughout the year. Recent guests have been a flute ensemble, harpist, violinist, clarinetist, Dixieland Band, and the Saturdays! I hope you enjoy our musical offerings and please know you are always welcome to join the choir!

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Joe Camara, the son of a music teacher, began piano lessons early in elementary school. Within a few years he was already accompanying choruses. He went to Lowell State College beginning as a piano major but changed to organ major. He graduated with a BA in music. He taught in the Lowell public school system for almost thirty years and received a Master Degree in education from UMASS Lowell and finally a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in administration from Fitchburg State University. He has played piano and organ in many groups and churches throughout the area. He is also the former director/accompanist of the Lowell High School Alumni Chorus which awards scholarships to students at Lowell High School going into the arts. He also was the pit director and accompanist for many of the high school shows presented at Maynard High School.

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Our custodian is Lenny Connolly. Our buildings put his repair and maintenance skills to good use. He’s particularly popular with the kids at Boxboro Children Center, who love to watch him work!

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